Alan Hudson
Professor Emeritus (1946 - 2018)

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PhD, Educational Psychology, Department of Educational Psychology and Guidance (Language and Behavior Program), Yeshiva University, New York, 1977 (Dissertation director: Joshua A. Fishman; Dissertation title: Language attitudes in relation to varieties of Jewish identification)

Uriel Weinreich Program in Yiddish Language, Literature, and Culture, Columbia University, New York, Summer 1972

Linguistic Institute of the Linguistic Society of America, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, Summer 1971

Linguistic Institute of the Linguistic Society of America, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, Summer 1970

Linguistic Institute of the Linguistic Society of America, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, Summer 1969

BA, Modem Languages (Group VII: Irish and Welsh), University College, Dublin, 1966
O'Connell Schools, Dublin, Ireland, 1953-1963

Research Intrests 

Minority Languages

Selected Publications

Hudson, Alan. 1998. Diglossia. Concise encyclopedia of pragmatics, ed. by Jacob Mey, 220- 225 New York: Pergamon Press. Reprint, with minor revisions, of Hudson 1994a.

Hernandez-Chavez, E., Bills, G., and Hudson, A. 1996. El desplazamiento del espafiol en el suroeste de EEUU segun el censo de 1990. Actas del X Congreso Internacional de la Asociaci6n de Lingtiistica de la America Latina, ed. by Marina Arjona Iglesias, Juan Lopez Chavez, Araceli Enriquez Ovando, Gilda C. Lopez Lara, and Miguel Angel Novella Gomez, 664-672. Mexico: Universidad Nacional Aut6noma de Mexico. 

Bills, Garland D., Hernandez Chavez, E., and Hudson, Alan. 1995. The geography of language shift: Distance from the Mexican border and Spanish language claiming in the Southwestern U.S. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 114.9-27. 

Hudson, Alan, Hernandez Chavez, E., and Bills, Garland D. 1995. The many faces of language maintenance: Spanish language claiming in five southwestern states. Spanish in four continents: Studies in language contact and bilingualism, ed. by Carmen Silva-Corvalan, 165-183. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press. 

Hudson, Alan. 1994a. Diglossia. The encyclopedia of language and linguistics, vol. 2, ed. by R. E. Asher, 926-930. New York: Pergamon Press. 

Hudson, Alan. 1994b. Diglossia as a special case of register variation. Sociolinguistic perspectives on register, ed. by Douglas Biber and Edward Finegan, 294-314. New York: Oxford University Press.

Hudson, Alan. 1992. Diglossia: A bibliographic review. Language in Society 21.611-674. 

Hudson, Alan. 1991. Toward the systematic study of diglossia. Studies in diglossia, ed. by Alan Hudson. Southwest Journal of Linguistics 10(1).1-22. 

Hudson, Alan. (ed.) 1991. Studies in diglossia. Southwest Journal of Linguistics 10(1). Whole issue. 

Hudson-Edwards, Alan. 1990. Language policy and linguistic tolerance in Ireland. Perspectives on official English: The campaign for English as the official language of the USA (Conributions to the sociology of language, 57), ed. by Karen L. Adams and Daniel T. Brink, 63-81. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 

Hudson-Edwards, Alan. 1988. Review of Francis Britto, Diglossia: A study of the theory with application to Tamil (Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1986). American Anthropologist 90.431. 

Hudson-Edwards, Alan and Allison. 1988. Syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic influences on judgements of grammaticality. Linguistic change and contact: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference on New Ways of Analyzing Variation, ed. by Kathleen Ferrara, Becky Brown, Keith Walters, and John Baugh, 137-42. Austin: Department of Linguistics, University of Texas. 

Hudson-Edwards, Alan. 1984. Rediscovering diglossia. Southwest Journal of Linguistics 7.5-15. [Appeared 1987] 

Hudson-Edwards, Alan. 1984. Review of Florence Barkin, Elizabeth Brandt, and Jacob Ornstein-Galicia (eds.), Bilingualism and language contact: Spanish, English, and Native American languages (New York: Teachers College Press, 1982). Journal of Language and Social Psychology 4.315-8. 

Hudson-Edwards, Alan, and Garland D. Bills. 1982. Intergenerational language shift in an Albuquerque barrio. Spanish in the United Sates: Sociolinguistic aspects, ed. by Jon Amastae and Lucia Elias-Olivares, 135-53. New York: Cambridge University Press. [Reprint of Hudson-Edwards and Bills 1980.]

Hudson-Edwards, Alan. 1981. Knowledge, use, and evaluation of Yiddish and Hebrew among American Jewish college students. Never say die! A thousand years of Yiddish in Jewish life and letters, ed. by Joshua A. Fishman, 635-52. The Hague: Mouton. 

Hudson-Edwards, Alan, and Garland D. Bills. 1980. Intergenerational language shift in an Albuquerque barrio. Festschrift for Jacob Ornstein: Studies in general linguistics and sociolinguistics, ed. by Edward L. Blansitt, Jr. and Richard V. Teschner, 139-58. Rowley: Newbury House. 

Hudson-Edwards, Alan. 1980. Sociolinguistic reflexes of Jewish identification. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 26.41-74. 

Hudson-Edwards, Alan, Carlos Astiz, and David Lopez. 1979. Bilingual election services. Vol. 1. A handbook of ideas for local election officials. Final report on contract no. FE6AC013. Washington, D.C.: The National Clearinghouse on Election Administration, Federal Election Commission. 

Hudson-Edwards, Alan. 1979. Bilingual election services. Vol. 2. A glossary of Spanish election terms. Final report on contract no. FE6AC013. Washington, D.C.: The National Clearinghouse on Election Administration, Federal Election Commission. 

Hudson-Edwards, Alan, Carlos Astiz, and David Lopez. 1979. Bilingual election services. Vol. 3. A state of the art report. Final report on contract no. FE6AC013. Washington, D.C.: The National Clearinghouse on Election Administration, Federal Election Commission. 

Teitelbaum, Herta, Allison Edwards, and Alan Hudson. 1975. Ethnic attitudes and the acquisition of Spanish as a second language. Language Leaming 25.255-66.

Selected Research Grants 

Hudson, Alan. Bilingual election services. Federal Election Commission, Contract No. FE6AC013, October 1976- February 1978. 

Hudson, Alan. The implications for the State of New Mexico of the linguistic provisions of the Voting Rights Act Amendments of 1975. Student-Originated Research Project, National Science Foundation, 1976. 

Hudson, Alan, and Garland D. Bill. A pilot study of Spanish­ English language contact in an Albuquerque bilingual neighborhood.  UNM Faculty Research Allocations Committee, 1975.

UNM Achievements

Transitioned Linguistics from a Program to a Department and established the PhD in Linguistics.  He also advocated for the Signed Language Interpreting Program and the Navajo Language program and courses in Quechua and Quiché Maya