Dawn Myers
Principal Lecturer II

I teach in the Signed Language Interpreting Program focusing on Introduction to Signed Language and the fundamentals of interpreting. I am proud to be part of a great team of instructors and professors who cherish ASL and strive to instill the utmost professional standards in our students. I enjoy being in nature and spending time with my husband, Alan, my daughters, Brenyn and Ayla, and my dog Juneau.

Educational History

  • B.S., Signed Language Interpreting, University of New Mexico
  • M.S., Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of New Mexico


American Sign Language, signed language interpreting

Representative Courses:

  • SIGN 2125  Introduction to Signed Language
  • SIGN 2150  Lexical Semantics and Transliteration 
  • SIGN 2130  Fingerspelling
  • SIGN 360   Introduction to the Interpreting Profession