Diné Language Teacher Institute (DLTI)

Starting in Fall 2022, graduate and undergraduate students who are speakers of Navajo can enroll in a teaching certificate program through the Diné Language Teacher Institute (DLTI), which is a cohort program offered through the Department of Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies (LLSS), the Department of Native American Studies (NAS), and the Navajo Language Program (NLP). The goal of this certificate program is to equip Diné language teachers to use immersion methodologies to promote the use and preservation of the Navajo language in their communities. 18 hours of required coursework which consists of classes from LLSS, NAS, and NLP, plus 12 hours of approved electives for the program can also be applied toward a degree program in LLSS, NAS, or Linguistics. Students who enroll in this program by 2025 will receive fully paid UNM tuition and fees while they are in the program. 


For more information please visit https://dlti.unm.edu/.